“Easter is the only time of year when it is safe to put all your eggs in one basket.” 

thursday-trios-easter eggs
Repeat trio from last year wishing you all a happy Easter season.

Featured Fitness Bloggers


This weekly writing challenge runs from Wednesday through Tuesday. The only rule is to use a quote. If you want to participate, create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? See how to create pingbacks here. Be sure to link to the most recent post, not my page. I don’t see links to my page. 

For More Ideas about Easter, Passover (Pesach), or other April Religious Observations

Check out these early-bird participants. This challenge runs until next Tuesday, and these bloggers have some awesome quotes, stories, and pictures.

Definition of Easter

Easter is “the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.” Oxford Dictionary

“Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with our resurrection.”

Watchman Nee

“That terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin and the celebration of Easter, the very pinnacle of Christian celebrations,” the Huffington Post reported.”

Atlanta Journal Constitution

“a feast that commemorates Christ’s resurrection and is observed with variations of date due to different calendars on the first Sunday after the paschal full moon” – Mirriam Webster

Days of Worship Preceding Easter

  • Shrovetide (the 3 days before Lent)
  • the Liturgical Season of Lent – “Liturgical is the Greek word for public work.” Mirriam Webster
  • Palm Sunday starts Holy Week
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Good Friday – the day Jesus was crucified
  • Holy or Silent Saturday
  • Passover in the Jewish faith takes place during this time

Jewish Passover Feast or Seder

Biblical Symbolism

“It’s not about the bunny; it’s about the lamb.”


The cries of Hosanna were shouted by the crowd as Jesus rode to Jerusalem on a colt. The people were oppressed and looked to a Savior to lead them out of bondage much like the people of Ukraine need today. Jesus tried to show them that he was not a political conqueror by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey rather than a chariot pulled by beautiful horses like the Romans did. He knew he was riding to his death in Jerusalem to usher in a new kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.

“…The Resurrection changes everything: It’s a reminder not just that Jesus rose from the dead but that love is stronger than hatred, that hope is stronger than despair, and that life is stronger than death.”

Facts and Details

Secular Naming of the Holiday

“According to the 7th century English historian Venerable Bede, Easter is named after Easter, a goddess worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons that may have been honored in a festival that took place around the same time as Easter.”

Facts and Details

This is the most sacred of seasons for Christians whether they display rabbits rather than paintings of the Last Supper or pictures of Jesus hanging on a cross, or pictures of an empty tomb.

Secular Symbols of Easter

  • Easter Basket
  • Easter Lily
  • Easter Bunny
  • Easter Egg

Chocolate Easter Bunnies are ubiquitous for about four weeks before Easter, during a time when my sister-in-law typically gives up eating chocolate for Lent. I admit I did not know where or when all of these widely recognized Easter motifs began. Do you?

“According to legend, Simon of Cyrne, who helped Christ carry the cross, was an egg merchant. Many historians also link rabbits and eggs to pagan symbols of new life. Lilies are also associated with Easter. They too are linked with the resurrection.”

Facts and Details

One-Eyed Jack in Sedona

“When Jesus is called the Lamb of God in John 1:29 and John 1:36, it is referring to Him as the perfect and ultimate sacrifice for sin.”

Got Questions

Nonetheless, the artist John Randall Nelson of Phoenix created One-Eyed Jack Rabbit in 2018 at a cost to Scottsdale of $115,000. OE Jack stands as a symbol in the historic Marshall Way Arts District of Scottsdale. (This is not to be confused with martial arts districts of any city.)

“Like so many public art projects, this 26-foot-tall white rabbit (painted steel) had to jump through several hoops of mini-controversy before taking up residence as a selfie magnet. Artist’s statement: “One-Eyed Jack is a symbol of fecundity, rebirth, and like Lewis Carroll’s fictional White Rabbit, it beckons us to make the leap down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.”

James Turrell Scottsdale Public Art

I’ve been reading a book recommended by Yvette Prior to me to help with Story Chat called How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster. In one chapter Foster raves about Shakespeare as having a great influence over writers across the centuries. Since so many of our WQW quotes come from modern authors, I wanted to find out what Shakespeare had to say about the subject of Easter and the Resurrection of Christ. So I Googled it – of course.

Shakespeare remained silent on the subject. Yet one article in the Shakespeare Blog reported that the resurrection and hope and renewal permeate his plays. It surprised me that the closest quote I could find from Shakespeare on the topic was, “April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”

I couldn’t find a picture of a lily in my photos, but I did find many pictures of white flowers with which to decorate this post as churches are decorated with Easter lilies.

In my childhood, we have always celebrated Easter in a typically American fashion – new dress, going to church, then home to a big dinner, which was usually turkey at one of my Grandparent’s homes.

This meal was at Christmas, but the players were the same until my brother was born a year later.

As an adult, it seems that I seldom cooked but shared a meal with friends, my husband and I becoming part of their family. Now that we are in Prescott, we plan to go to church and then meet our neighbors and Cindy for a buffet at the Prescott Lakes Clubhouse. Last week for Palm Sunday, Cindy hosted us at her home for dinner.

Our meals have been much less worshipful and more casual than the beautiful Seders that I had the privilege to attend at Elane’s house with her family and several of her non-Jewish friends. This possibly was because the guest lists at all of those meals were made up exclusively of family members (other than us with our adult friends). More likely is that no one of us, including adult me, took charge to make the meal more than a pleasant time to eat together.

With that TMI glimpse into my past, I wish you all the most wonderful Holy Week and Easter Sunday, Passover, or whatever you are planning for this weekend.

Now it’s your turn.

Talk about your past, your present, the holidays, and their significance. I look forward to reading your posts and the amazing quotes you find.

2017- Pysanky-Dyed-Eggs

47 responses to “WQW #15: Observing Religious Holidays in April”

    1. Thanks so much for linking your beautiful post, Zelda. 🙂


  1. Thank you for taking time to read my post.It´s a great pleasure to have you. Hope you and your family have a blessed Easter holidays!

    Grün Donnerstag (Maundy Thursday)


    1. My pleasure, Julie.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Also linked to this week’s WQW – Seasonal holidays – Easter. […]


  3. […] post is also for Marsha Ingrao’s WQW #15 Observing Religious Holidays […]


  4. […] WQW How do you celebrate this Easter/Passover season? […]


  5. […] WritersQuotesWednesday […]

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  6. […] Marsha’s WQW, the topic is {Observing Religious Holidays […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Cath. 🙂


  7. such a lovely post, Marsha 🙂 Happy Easter! ❤

    Easter Quotes

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing!

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  8. Oh, so much Easter and spiritual goodness going on in this post, Marsha! I chose my April color challenge colors of diamond and “white” due to April’s birthstone diamond and added quartz for a bit of color, which you shall see in a few days. I love your pic of the field of white flowers! Your post reminds me of the Easter lilies that my former church in Sacramento used to display from everyone’s memorials. That same church had so many wonderful Easter season traditions, complete with choir cantatas, Palm Sunday and Good Friday services. We’re thankful for our new church but miss the old traditions. Thanks for an uplifting and inspiring post (as usual) and the fitness shout-out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment, Terri. Who knew it would be the follow-up to my fitness post??? I’m going to take a couple of weeks off at the end of April, first of May, and I think I will ask people to connect to my fitness post and ask them about overcoming hurdles in keeping fit, which will be my next fitness WQW.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sounds good, Marsha! A little break is always nice!

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        1. It is and I’m looking forward to a little special time with Vince.

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  9. […] Writer’s Quotes challenge, join in with an Easter Quote, click here […]

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  10. I didn’t know lillies were associated with Easter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I learned quite a few new little facts doing this post, Gloria. If our church has decorated with them, I’ll take pictures next week, so that I will have a sample to show.

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  11. I’ve told the story before, but my most interesting Easter season happened to find us in Nicaragua on a cruise excursion. Our tour bus was delayed while we awaited the passage of an centuries-old oxcart pilgrimage as faithful spent a week on the road traveling to honor Jesus the Rescuer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. How amazing. I bet you took pictures of them! You two have done and seen some amazing things. Thanks for sharing that memory. I’m sorry I didn’t share a birthday memory last week on LAPC. My clock is spinning too fast! Too many birthdays, I guess. Not enough parties! LOL My best one was a sort of surprise, but no pictures. I wish I had some because it was hilarious. It involved a beautifully decorated cardboard cake.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That party sounds like fun. A cardboard cake has few calories… there’s that, anyway. 🙂

        I did get a few photos of the pilgrimage as they passed by. Not the best work, but I was fortunate to be sitting at a window on the centerline side of the bus so I could at least get a chance at some good images.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I had invited all my work colleagues at the Nazarene Bible College, where I worked, to come to our break room to celebrate my birthday because all the secretaries all celebrated each other’s birthdays in a big way. The other secretaries told me they weren’t going to celebrate mine (30th). I kept inviting. The professor that didn’t eat sweets should have been a big clue when he asked for the first piece. LOL.

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  12. I’m reading your PPA on another tab, and cooking breakfast. I got the two mixed up.
    So, I don’t need art to go with my Easter post….I need a quote! (And a holiday 😆)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. I use art with both, just because for me a post without some art is empty. I’m not an arresting enough writer to hold people spell bound with my writing ability. LOL But you don’t need any pictures with WQW, just a quote.


  13. Sorry I missed last week’s. Where are the days going? We didn’t do egg hunts when my older children were young, but Little Miss Ten is a different kettle of fish! Bunnies, eggs, etc. She’s keeping us up with the times for sure.
    I’ll be writing about how I spent Easter 50 odd years ago as part of my 100DaysOfOldDays project. I’m not sure if I’ve any public art to go with it though!
    I’ll have to search through my USB of a million pics! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worry about the pics, Gloria. Your story will be perfect. Little Miss Ten sounds adorable and a lot of fun.


  14. Thank you for this Beautiful post, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Zelda. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely…I’ll be hunting for quotes after I can leave the kitchen 🙂

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        1. YAY! I’ll look forward to reading them.

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  15. We don’t have little ones around Easter to have egg hunts, Marsha! I missed the years when our church still had a choir. The choir sang for Palm Sunday, the following Friday evening, and Easter Sunday. We used to have four services with the first one at 6:30 am. The previous pastor when he was new, he got rid of the choir and caused so much grief in the choir members and the church members who love traditional music. Many people left the church. Our current pastor is not any better as far as music. We have worship team, no choir, but at least they’re not playing the deafening music.

    Happy Easter to you! Have you and Cee and Terri decided when to meet?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We haven’t quite yet. Terri is contacting her cousin to see if we can stay with her and when. Maybe we can have a zoom meeting before the big event, but in the meantime we can talk via email as well as on here.


  16. Happy Easter to you and Vince.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Carol. We are going to dinner with our new neighbors here in Prescott and with Cindy, of course. Be sure to send me lots of pictures of your wonderful day or several days. Give everyone a big hug from us. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I Love the family photo Marsha. I wish I had more photos. I’m sure I do somewhere. I enjoyed your post as well. I hope you have a great time with friends. One eyed Jack is certainly interesting. That book sounds interesting too.

    Here’s my link:https://troyerslovinglife.blogspot.com/2022/04/i-ts-another-week-of-writers-quotes.html

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Yes, this: “It’s not about the bunny; it’s about the lamb.” Unknown Christmas gets all the attention but without Easter, there is nothing. We’ll go to church and then have my dad and a couple from his church over for dinner. Church is always the main thing but when I was growing up, we’d hunt for Easter eggs, the plastic ones that had candy in them. I never really figured out why rabbits and eggs got together.

    Here’s something fun you can do for Easter: take a Peep and put it in the microwave for about a minute. I guarantee you’ll laugh. 🙂

    Happy Easter, Marsha. He is risen. He is risen indeed.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You won’t hear a PEEP out of me! Have a wonderful Easter. Thanks for the comment.


  19. I feel very privileged to be spending part of Semana Santa in Braga, the religious capital of Portugal, Marsha. We traveled north to Obidos to visit friends and witnessed the Palm Sunday procession there. We are waiting for the procession to pass by this evening in Braga and another tomorrow evening. On Good Friday we travel into the Douro region for a quieter Easter. How lucky are we? Wishing you a blessed time with family and friends. 🤗💗💗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, dear Jo. It sounds like you have a wonderful trip planned.


      1. It’s working out well, hon. My feet hurt! 🤣💟

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        1. I went out to pull weeds in my 3×3 foot garden today and had to come in and take a half-hour power nap. What’s up with that?


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