Funny Stuff Makes Me Laugh

“Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.”


I know, another list. Geeze. I laugh easily at some things, groan at others, and feel disgusted at other things. Usually I dislike man-humor – farts, sex, mother-in-laws, or bowel movements. My husband was rolling on the floor last night so much he couldn’t read his son’s text outloud. Total disgusting man-humor I can’t even repeat online.

Puns and dumb jokes make me groan even though I participate to a point. My brother and Cousin, Hal can’t talk without inserting one. The sky isn’t just blue – it’s crying. It gets annoying after a while. Since we’ve become closer friends, Randy has dropped much of his “can’t get a word in edgewise” punning except to tell me how he got someone “good” so I can groan.

What kinds of humor does that leave?

  • Incongruities make me laugh like delicious cupcakes with cigarettes (pretzels) on top.
  • Laughing at life situations – so most comics I get in emails about old people – loss of beauty, hearing, clothes’ sense have the capacity to bring at least a smile. “I had my patience tested. I’m negative.” “When you ask me what I am doing today, and I say “nothing,” it does not mean I am free. It means I am doing nothing.”
  • Slapstick is funny if no one is getting permanently hurt. Remember America’s Funniest Home Videos? Animal and baby videos can be hilarious. Their surprise at circumstances beyond their control triggers laughter. Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy struck my funny bones.
  • Sitcoms are usually fun the first time around, Frasier being one of my favorites. Although, I hate to admit but I got irritated when he kept making the same kinds of mistakes over and over in different episodes. I knew what the girl was going to do or say, a smart psychiatrist like him should have had a clue, too.
  • Books or stories with a twist here and there are fun. Even a mindless romance novel like Thirty-two Going on Spinster can be a lot of fun.
  • Mom taught me to laugh at myself when I do something silly. I may have cried first, but eventually I learned to see humor in “my bads.”
  • Sometimes Vince and I even TRY to be funny. He is better at it than I am.
Costume weiners in 2014 – dressing like 50s – 70s “white trash”

My favorite funny videos of all times.

This is a series, and if you haven’t seen them, you should at least watch this one. They are super short.

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#Bloganuary #blogprompt

56 responses to “Bloganuary #7: My Funny Bones Respond to …”

  1. One more note – not sure if you heard of
    Norman Cousins
    he wrote the ‘ Laughter Cure’ which wa a true account of how he laughed himself to wellness.

    “Norman Cousins was the editor of Saturday Review for over 30 years, and was the author of a number of books including ‘Anatomy of an illness,’ which covers his ‘Cancer Laughter Cure’ and how it cured him,.”

    so cheers to this post that has some great examples of different humor and practical ways we can all find ou way to smile and laugh more

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have not heard of him. As much as I love to laugh and used to devour “Laughter’s the Best Medicine” In Reader’s Digest every month when I was a kid, I’d hate to rely just on laughter. For one thing, I laugh a lot, yet cancer hit anyway. Had I not had surgery, I believe I would have eventually died. I’m a big fan of modern medicine along with laughing and not taking myself too seriously. I will look into Norman Cousins, though. Sounds like a good read.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi – I agree that sometimes surgery is needed and sometimes modern medicine can save a life, extend a life, etc.

        However, I think sometimes we do not do enough preventive early on – like is the best cancer prevention to catch it early? That is BS – the best cancer prevention is to get off the standard American diet – and my husband calls it the unholy Trinity – 1) industrial oils (canola, vegetable, etc – they are better for automobiles rather than humans and avocado coconut, or olive oil are better); 2) sugars that suppress immune system – even agave and fruit can wreak havoc on someone with toxicity and buildup – (and the awful corn syrups scar the liver); and 3) grains – they hurt the gut and pull from health (but our culture is in denial about this big time and I was brainwashed to think a multigrain cracker or bread slice was better for me than a piece of beef)

        I know you know so much of this health stuff and just sharing because it is a passionate area for me and even though I knew to stay away from chemicals like aspartame, nitrites, aritifical colorings and flavorings – I did not “get it” about those other things – resistance and denial are natural when the information is to contrary to what we have been taught.
        There is also another dangerous trinity – it is the medical tendency to “slice, poison, or burn”
        agan, there is a time for surgery and allopathic care – but too often the doctors are taught early on to do surgery or give meds.
        Alternative remedies are not even considered in some cases.
        I know a person who was told they were going to go on dialysis in a few years and they tried their eating around and rebuilt their terrain and restored kidney function from like 5% to almost 50%. Powerful – and I know there are a myriad of factors to consider – but the doctors never told her about natural things to do for kidney health (because they don’t always know) –

        now sure, many doctors prescribe vitamins – it amazes me actually how they use so many supplements in IVs and even the bottle stuff – for example, I know two people that have prescription vitamin d3 (when they could buy it OTC for cheaper) but it all gets lumped into the overpriced medical system in the United States. Overpriced (price gouging) and officials look the other way – while we have one of the worst health care systems in the world (we are not even in the top 20)

        and an example of the “quick to slice” comes from recently when my son broke his knuckle – the urgent care doctor (at a reputable place) wanted to do surgery – when son said no – the doctor withdrew and actually seemed put off.

        son’s knuckle healed fine and we were like – surgery – for a knuckle alignment – that is ludicrous

        okay – I will end my reply with adding that laughter would not have been enough to help me rebuild my body terrain – no way – but it does keep my stress away and I know ameliorates the negative – and laughter and joy makes a person glow and makes life better.
        with that said, I had to use a myriad of things – and will take various supplements for the rest of my life.
        “logos nutritionals” are the vitamins that really worked for me and saved me – in fact, one day I will post about how much I love those supplements and how my body lapped up their formulas. whew –
        we are all so similar yet to different .
        and by the way – I am super glad you didn’t pass away from cancer – it is nice to have you as a blog friend

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Wow, Yvette! That’s quite a response. It sounds like some perfect quotes to hold on to for on one of my WQW posts on Food. This year I will have 4 posts on food – nutrition Feb. 23, March 9, Sept 7 & Dec 14, and at least 4 on fitness. These are all great tips. We should talk more maybe even do another interview. You have great passion and it sounds like a lot of knowledge.

          In my case, the water may have been the culprit of my cancer, or the fibroid tumors I’d had all my life. It was caught super early, and I did not need chemo or radiation. In our tiny neighborhood, so many of us got cancer, especially the women, but one man died too. Since we were all tied to the underground stream for our water supply, it made some sense. Vince always drank bottled water.

          Since I’ve had the vein problems, I have cut out sugar and it’s amazing how much better my terrain works. I don’t take a lot of supplements, though I have in the past. I do drink 1000 g of vitamin c per day since I have to drink 64 oz of water per day. That’s another huge change for me.

          With your permission I cut and pasted your response for my March 9 post Food – Recipes. I probably won’t use it all, but there is a lot of “meat” in that response. 🙂 Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.

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          1. Marsha – I would be honored if you used that comment reply (and for some reason there are some bloggers that pull those chatty replies out of me – and you are one of them – s thx)
            also, if you ever wanted to do another interview I would be up for that – and I like working with you because you are SO FLEXIBLE (and I need that because sometimes things get “busy busy” fr me – like November and December kicked our butts with busy stuff and that was unexpected –
            anyhow, God has blessed me great with some knowledge and information about health and wellness –
            I thought I was “Mrs health” – and my husband said I was “mrs healthy” but when my skin broke out badly (about ten years ago) and the docs were clueless (and I went to some of the best and all they could offer was steroids and chemical creams – duh- but they were all good as far as care and concern) but then I discovered that GUT health and the terrain is all.
            I never thought I was a “sugar eater” because I never used white cane sugar and never drank soda – and never ate candy
            – but I did not know that crackers were processed like sugar – so those wheat thins converted when I ate them – and I also mistakenly thought ginger snaps were healthy – lol
            – okay – save the rest for the interview – but it took a “boot in the head” for me to really see the truth abut what helps a human body thrive

            and “mark’s daily apple” ( was another place I found a lot of wonderful support and tips – along with Bulletproof blog –

            oh one last comment – I think I do not always share about some of my tips and supplements because sometimes folks act like you are trying to give them snake oil. people become so resistant to new ideas and get lost in confirmation bias mode –
            and your upcoming posts sound awesome –

            Liked by 1 person

          2. This is great, Yvette. You would love my friend Carmen that visited me in Dec. She is a supplements person. She has me on a supplement of mushrooms for my lungs. She’s a nurse, but she is also very homeopathic. Some things work for me and some done. I’m also doing beet chews, but not as regularly as you should because they cost a fortune. 🙂

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          3. maybe you could make some beet juice or buy the beet powder ( I see some good beet powders for a sweet price) and sometimes the chews are filled with extra gunk to make them into a chew??
            I usually stay away from chews and wrapped stuff – hmmm


          4. PS I know a lot of nurses in traditional hospitals that are still into alternative stuff


  2. Hi Marsha, this is a fun post – and reminds me that laughter and joy can be stirred up and we can intentionally bring more humor and lightness into our life.

    And I think Dickens was a big advocate of healthy laughing (and the nephew in a Christmas Carol is a hearty laughter and truly those with joy have a healthier life)

    The closing video was a dry kind of humor but it hit home for me because my step daughter loves fish tacos and a couple of years ago I ordered them too – and it was such a dud for me – oh well – lesson learned
    also, the cigarettes on the cupcakes were a zany idea – and when I first came to the post I thought you had been making some keto kind of chocolate – 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Actually, those were not even mine. We made Spamtures. I’ll share them next month on Becky B’s Squares. We may have gotten a prize for them. My husband is really good with creative ideas.

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      1. I look forward to seeing them – can you do me a favor and link one of my blog posts (not the main blog) when you post it because I am not sure if I will be blogging every day and might miss it

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I’d be honored to do so. 🙂

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  3. Funy and fun photos, Marsha! Thanks for the link. 🙂 🙂 Humor is so much needed these days…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree, Amy. I love to tell funny stories, if I can remember any. I’m absolutely no good with jokes. 🙂

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  4. Puns and Dad jokes. Brian and my Dad would get on well. I admire the wit but it doesn’t make me laugh. Something unexpected and ridiculous does.
    I really watch sitcoms as the plot seems far too predictable. Blogging is more fun!
    Yeh what is it with guys and bodily functions humour. That is just weird.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi Amanda, Blogging is fun. It’s not always funny, but fun and funny don’t have to be the same thing. I enjoy connecting with bloggers on a personal level – funny or not.

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      1. Fun and funny. That sounds like a good title for a blog challenge!

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        1. There you go. Like you have time for another one! I can see it going along with Oddball. Maybe the difference is that you have to include a joke or one-liner.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Perfect Marsha! A joke/one-liner would be a fun and funny addition! Haha! I hope you will join in when I post it – it could be a bit down the track!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. There you go, Amanda. Send me a link if I miss it.


  5. I like lots of types of humor. dad jokes usually put a smile on my face; many stand up comedians; many sitcoms. and thanks for the fun video at the end.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dad’s able to laugh at themselves are funny. I wish you could have been with us to see Seinfeld on stage in Vegas. That’s exactly what he did – Dad humor. It was knock-you-off-your-chair funny! I’m glad you enjoyed the Roadent’s video, too. 🙂

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      1. I’d love to see Seinfeld in person. My son did a few years ago and said he was great…

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        1. He was THE funniest person I’ve ever seen.

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  6. Great list Marsha. There is plenty that’s funny there.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. We should have a good laugh every day. Nice post, Marsha.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Humor is funny that way. Someone is laughing so hard that they can’t tell you the joke while the other person can’t even crack a smile.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Exactly. He was the exact picture of that last night.

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  9. Humor is a life saver! When I was a kid my mother got so fed up with my dad and I dropping puns all the time she made us pay a fine of 10 cents for every pun. That just made us worse!😄

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL. That’s hilarious. Mom, Dad and I all joined in, but Randy was the Pun King.

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  10. Thanks for sharing the video. It made me chuckle as I remember this one time when I went to Chick-fil-a and ordered a fish sandwich. I swear they served that in the past…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. LOL, Goldie! Chick Barn. So funny. All the guinea pig series called Roadents are hilarious. Even the RV itself is hilarious, not to mention that guinea pigs are driving it. 🙂

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      1. I might have to check it out!

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  11. As an incurable punster myself, I think Randy and I would get on just fine. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You would. He would enjoy your humor. I’m enjoying your book. I recognized a couple of stories from your blog, but they were fun to read the second time.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks, Marsha. If you enjoy it enough, perhaps you could pop over the Amazon and write a review. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I will when I’m done. I’m about 70% right now. Sorry I’m so slow. 🙂

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  12. I enjoy a good meme or T.V. bloppers.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Fun video Marsha 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Isn’t it great. There is a whole series and they all make me laugh. Maybe because they are guinea pigs driving an RV that is all run down and has the toilet with a view. LOL! The whole thing just cracks me up.

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  14. If you walk a mile in someone elses shoes, not only are you a mile away from them but you have some new shoes 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

    1. That’s funny 😀 😀

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    2. LOL! If they fit. Otherwise, you have sore feet!

      Liked by 3 people

    3. You should have your own show, Brian! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

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