Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays Logo Contest

Featured Bloggers for Joy

Since I don’t know all of your first names, I changed the format of Featured Bloggers somewhat to reflect your tagline or title. Your friendships mean so much. Thank you all for joining in.


This weekly writing challenge runs from Wednesday through Tuesday at noon Phoenix time. The only rule is to use a quote. If you want to participate, create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? See how to create pingbacks here. Be sure to link to the most recent post, not my page. I donโ€™t see links to my page. 

#WQWWC #55 – Topic: Reflections/Memoirs

3 Reflection Definitions: Serious thought or consideration. Throwing back by a body or surface without absorbing it – heat, light, sound. The image seen in a mirror.

2 Memoir Definitions: historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources, essay on a learned subject

My Choices for This Week

“Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real, and you’re just a reflection of him?”

– Bill Watterson.
Brandywine River Reflections in Delaware

“In moments of quiet reflection our minds embrace the sea that we have crossed.”


As we reach the end of the year, I like to spend time reflecting and analyzing what I’ve done over the course of the year and make decisions about whether or not I’ve been successful or not and why. That way I know if I’m at least somewhat on the right path – or totally wasting my time. It’s kind of like looking into a mirror and making adjustments based on what you see, so I see a connection between the three definitions for reflection.

A reflective photo by a 13-year-old artist in Scottsdale, AZ

This week I’m going to share some of my reflections and thoughts about #WQWWC, and where I think it will go in 2022. It has been just over a year since I took over this challenge. Usually, I measure success in terms of numbers based on what WordPress provides me. I’ll start with that.

Page views: 766 YAY!

Top Posts

  • 6/23/2021 Vacation – 232 views, 61 likes, 82 comments, 2 other challenge links, 8 Featured Bloggers
  • 4/07/2021 Fitness – 193 views, 109 likes, 43 comments, 0 other challenge links, 6 Featured Bloggers, Announcements
  • 3/31/2021 Travel – 173 views, 39 likes, 85 replies, 3 other challenge links, 90 links (reading list – I didn’t get to all most of them), 4 Featured Bloggers
  • 11/17/2021 Silent – 169 views, 54 likes, 80 replies, 4 other challenges, 10 Featured Bloggers

The bulk, 25 posts had more than 100 views with another 16 over 50 views. YAY! Thank you!!!

Comparing Data

  • #1 Lights – 77 views, 33 likes
  • #2 Anticipation – 82 views, 33 likes, 11 comments, 4 Featured Bloggers
  • #3 Winter -WP data on views (9) doesn’t make sense, 23 likes, 9 comments, 3 Featured Bloggers
  • #4 Celebration – 106 views, 66 likes, 9 comments, 0 Featured Bloggers

  • #50 Forgotten – 135 views, 45 likes, 68 comments, 11 Featured Bloggers, 6 links to other challenges
  • #51 Toys – 107 views, 40 likes, 87 comments, 9 Featured Bloggers, 5 links to other challenges
  • #52 Celebrating/Festive – 115 views, 47 likes 62 comments, 11 Featured Bloggers, 3 links to other challenges
  • #53 Candles – 105 views, 44 likes, 48 comments, 7 Featured Bloggers, 4 links to other challenges

Observations Based on Numbers

First #WQWWC Posts to Last

  • An increase of 127 views from the first month to the last. YAY!
  • An increase of 21 likes, a slight increase in engagement. YAY!
  • An increase of 31 Featured Bloggers, a large increase in engagement, but still small number of participants. YAY!
  • An increase of 18 links to other blogs up from zero links in the first month. YAY!
  • An increase of 217 comments from the first month to the last, which is a large increase in engagement. YAY!

Posts Most Viewed Compared to the Last Posts

  • There were 280 comments in the months with the most views, compared to 265 in the last four posts, so the decrease in engagement despite the number of views was negligible. OK
  • The decrease in likes between the most viewed posts and the later posts was nearly 87. SAD
  • The decrease in views between the most viewed post and the latest posts was 305. SAD

Reflections and Questions:

Increases in numbers make me feel like I am doing something right and improving my posts. Sometimes that is not the case. Comparing the first to the last month takes into account the same time of year. Comparing something new to something established probably negates the effects of the posts done at the same time of year. However, it still looks like the month of December is not as active as either the spring or summer months.

Were the topics responsible for the increased engagement? For a while I used this blog as a travel blog. Many of my blogging friends are travelers, so it makes sense that two of the top topics would appeal to that base, as would an interest in fitness.

Were the posts themselves responsible for increased engagement? The last posts had more photos, videos and poetry. The fitness post had no photos, videos or poems, just quotes and instructions on how to play along. So why it was so popular is a mystery other than the topic itself.

The travel and silent posts had more pictures and videos, and to me seemed like more interesting posts. The conclusion I can draw from that is that my post made less difference than the topic or the time of year. However, they made a big difference in my enjoyment in doing them. Personal enjoyment and growth aren’t necessarily reflected in the data.

In my past life, this concept of using only hard data to make decisions plays out in education too. It’s hard to measure soft goals with hard data! The result in recent years is that you get more educational emphasis on language arts and math because critical thinking skills, writing, art, music, physical education, history, and even science, are harder to measure with numbers and simple multiple-choice tests. (This paragraph a brief memoir from my past experience with data in education, which has been extensive.)

Changes for 2022 Suggested by Data

I have simplified the instructions over the year so that now there is just one requirement – Include a Quote. Action: I will implement improvements to make the challenge simple, accessible, and fun. Players can refer to my new page coming January 1st for more details and a list of the topics for 2022. The name has been simplified to Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays or WQW.

The topic of travel and vacation is worth revisiting several times during the year. Action: Revisit the travel and vacation theme every quarter.

The topics that were less easy to measure or define like freedom, respect, love, responsible, and exciting did not get many views, likes, or participants. Many of my friends are photographers and my posts with more photos received more views, as a rule. Action: I have replaced obscure topics with more concrete topics that can be illustrated by photos as well as words. Topics like the four basic elements, the five senses, transportation, seasons, and holidays will connect more easily to other challenges, while still encouraging the unique thoughtful replies associated with Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays.

Don’t forget about the Logo Contest to design a new logo to go with the new name next year – Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays (WQW). Click on the link for details.

Writer’s Choice weeks saw increased participation. Action: Writer’s Choice will be the last week of every month along with a suggested theme, for those who enjoy the structure.

This is a time-intensive challenge to host. It requires research to find quotes, time to build a post, and time to respond to participants. Since there aren’t a great number of participants who post a link, I can spend time reading and enjoying their blogs to the fullest knowing that they have taken a lot of time composing their own blogs as well. Action: As a result of their influence, I will continue to add more photos, videos, and poetry as I write my posts.

I am pleased that most posts have over 100 views and average around 40-45 likes. What rewards me the most are the number and quality of the comments. Action: I’ll honor the folks who share quotes in the comment section as well as blog posts.

Other Challenges Addressed

Some of these link to older posts because many bloggers are taking a break.

 “Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thinking, you change your life.”

-Brian Tracy

Reflecting on Some of My Favorite Photos for December 2021

Frank has this video on his site, and it is so beautiful, the perfect example of reflection.

Now it’s your turn.

Reflect on any topic of your choice, or like I did, reflect on one aspect of your blog. It will take you some time and maybe some conversations with others, but blogs like houses, need paint, repair, redecorating, new plants and furniture from time to time. This is your excuse to reflect and make plans. Or you could start that memoir you’ve been wanting to do forever. Whatever you decide, have fun with it and have a wonderful start to 2022.

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47 responses to “WQWWC # 55: Reflections/Memoirs”

  1. Wow!
    This is beyond amazing. Loved it entirely, Marsha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Hammad. I’m overwhelmed. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. […] WQWWC # 55: Reflections/Memoirs โ€“ Marsha Ingrao โ€“ Always Write […]


    1. Love the pole – not so much that I’ll be dancing on it, but it is a lovely pole. ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. […] from Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays, so I invited you to continue to post your reflections on last week’s post. I count this as my second post on the topic, but my two main points of emphasis are Reflections of […]


  4. Hi Marsha, hereโ€™s my post;

    Reflections of ourselves



  5. […] Written for WQWWC # 55, hosted by Marsha […]


    1. Lovely reflections, Terri!


  6. Beautiful images.
    Happy New Year to you and yours, Marsha. Here is my entry:

    Word Of The Year โ€“ 2022 edition! #WOTY

    KL โค

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love it. I didn’t realize that WOTY was such a thing. Now I know.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I hadn’t heard of it before I came across Ritu’s post but I think it’s a lovely idea, full of possibilities. KL โค

        Liked by 1 person

  7. […] for in January. Life doesn’t half throwh in some surprises at times – haha. Still, on reflection, I am very grateful for the opportunities it has given me. […]


  8. […] until January 17th. No new topic for two weeks, but I’m still posting to the old one – Reflections. How about […]


  9. Eek, I thought I commented on this, Marsha! Your blog data statistics are fascinating, as are your beautiful images! You may know by now, I’m posting a week early on Jan. 2 for Sunday Stills instead of waiting until the 9th, so I can capture the year-end reflection posts that I’m already seeing! A perfect theme and I am already compiling some good quotes and prepping my post. It’s New Year’s Eve, we’re sitting at home so might as well use the time! I hope you are having a fun and safe NYE celebration (I have my glass of champagne next to me now)! Cheers to a healthy ’22!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iโ€™m so glad. Iโ€™ve been scheduling. I did a post for each week in Jan. I probably should have changed the theme, but I left it for three weeks. I tied them all into two of Ceeโ€™s challenges. Iโ€™ve worked out a pretty cool template now. My new page with all my new topics should be posted today.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will be spending a good long time on the blog today. Too cold to be outside, cloudy today. I’m looking forward to reading your new topics. ๐Ÿ˜€

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Here they are, my friend. They are subject to change, of course, if you want to chat. https://alwayswrite.blog/writers-quotes-wednesdays-2022/

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You have some great prompts here, Marsha. I like the fitness ones which we ALL need right about now. Funny, I wrote a post a few years ago called Fitness Resolutions To Keep. I may have deleted it. Enjoy your upcoming break!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. LOL, you might have to see if it’s really deleted. It’s hard to really trash things in WP. I want to keep following up with that one. I’d love it if you did a podcast, or maybe do it with someone. I have some ideas about that one!

            Liked by 1 person

          3. I looked through my fitness posts, didn’t see it bit I habe the original in word. I’ll look around ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

            Liked by 1 person

          4. It’s worth dusting off! ๐Ÿ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

          5. I found the word doc. I may dust it off and repost. I published it in 2015. I’m excited!

            Liked by 1 person

  10. Love your stats review Marsha. Thanks for another shout out ๐Ÿค—

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. great post, Marsha ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy New Year!

    WQWWC # 55: Reflections/Memoirs

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Awesone reflections, Marsha. i especially like the reflective photo by the 13-year old artist.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isnโ€™t that amazing work? There was an entire display and the owner let me take pictures of all of them. He has artists from aged 10-90!


  13. […] Minds think alike โ€” Click here and here to see the greats […]


  14. Great observations Marsha. I have really enjoyed participating and look forward to next year. The stats were fascinating. It’s always interesting to see what data shows but I also think algorithms can be so wonky and weird.

    Here’s my link for this week.


    1. Thanks so much Kirstin. Soooo glad you’re back! ๐ŸŽŠ(Confetti ball)


  15. thanks for sharing all the data, seems like you are getting some good engagement!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jim. It’s good to take stock once in a while, even if it’s bad. Then I can decide when something is worth the effort, and what might make it better. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great New Year’s eve and a wonderful 2022! Thanks for sharing 2021 with me. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m in the same boat. I’ll look at what’s working and what isn’t, and try to adjust. Best wishes to you for a happy and productive New Year. Hopefully your aches and pains will be a thing of the past!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL Can you hear my groaning from there? Yikes! I just got a call from the hospital to schedule a CT Scan this morning at 10:00. I told her I had a hair appointment. She said this was a life and death matter. I laughed and told her that I didnโ€™t get in to the other lab who couldnโ€™t find my veins until yesterday and my embolisms were first diagnosed in September and the I saw doctor who just gave them the order on Dec. 10th, and Iโ€™m still upright. She capitulated and let me get my hair done! YAY! Those might have been the moans and groans you heard!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. you’ve got to have your priorties in place ๐Ÿ™‚

            that seems a bit over the top to say something is life and death!

            Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that post. I hope you don’t mind, I added your video and credited your post. I adore that video, don’t you? It’s the perfect piece for reflection. I’ve seen that post, but I loved it even more the second or third read through. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely not. (thanks for the credit). When I first saw this video, I know I had to use it – but where? Then it hit me, I too see this as a reflection, so I used it on the Reflection walk. Thanks for the kind words about the walk. I asked the question, but yes – I see my essays as reflections.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. They are exactly the essence of that definition.

          Liked by 1 person

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