Writer’s Quotes Wednesdays Writing Challenge Logo

Featured Bloggers

Good evening, sorry I’m so late getting going today. You can usually expect #WQWWC to post by 9:00 am, but today slipped by. It must be the time change that we didn’t have here in AZ.


This weekly writing challenge runs from Wednesday through Tuesday. The only rule is to use a quote. If you want to participate, create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? See how to create pingbacks here. Be sure to link to the most recent post not my page. I don’t see links to my page. 

Your Choice or Fog

Coming from Central California where the Tule Fog rules in the winter, I have pictures of the fog. I like it when I’m not driving in the night. Worse yet, if it’s so thick I run through stop signs on a rural highway, which I did once when I was driving my supervisor to a school.

Tule Fog

“I see a lot of fog and a few lights. I like it when life’s hidden. It gives you a chance to imagine nice things, nicer than they are.”

– Ben Hecht

These photos also work for my entry for Jude’s, Travel Word Blog, Life in Colour Challenge. Her color is black or gray.

Coastal Fog

“I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog.”

– Om Malik.

Friendly Friday

Amanda from Something to Ponder About hosts Friendly Friday Challenge, which runs for two weeks at a time. This fortnight she invites us to tell about our harrowing airport experiences.

Most of us have had a bumpy ride or two and lost some luggage. If you fly enough, you’ve probably missed flights.

Here’s a positive quote about missing a flight.

If the security personnel do their job properly, they just might cause you to miss your plane, thereby possibly saving your life.

— Dave Barry

My Missed Flight

In this instance, I had to fly to Washington D.C. for a conference. I arrived at the Fresno airport 90 minutes early, when an hour was recommended. The American Airline’s line was long, and they were checking in both my flight and the next one. When I got up to the desk 45 minutes later, they said my flight was full and I was too late. I had to FIND another flight.

I flew into a different airport, find a different hotel, canceled the room at the hotel I was supposed to stay in, and arrived at midnight. As it turned out, I don’t think the ticket agent or security personnel saved my life. However, in Washington I called a young woman who had lived with me for a while when she was in high school who was then living in Baltimore, MD. She picked me up at my hotel, drove me to her house, then sightseeing in Baltimore, home to meet her three kids, then drove me across Washington DC. and dropped me off at my next hotel. We had a fabulous time together.

On the way home I was classified and searched as a “terror risk” because I “had missed my Fresno to Washington D.C. flight.”

One of the Camera Monitor TSA agents thought I might be carrying drugs. Line TSA agent in the line put her gloved hand inside my bra on both sides to search me as I stood in line.

I smiled at the other passengers filed by me relieved that it was me, not them who were not being searched.

“She’s fine,” Line Agent reported over her communication device.

Camera TSA agent said, “Search again.”

Line Agent did and said, “There’s NOTHING HERE!”

Jokes didn’t help, by the way. I was a little insulted. I felt very busty in my too tight blouse. “Nothing here” didn’t sound sexy at all.

After some arguing Line Lady yelled, “It’s JUST STITCHING. THERE’S NOTHING HERE.”

Again my life was spared to laugh another day.

Now it’s your turn.

Talk about fog, or combine challenges or pick a topic of your own.

68 responses to “#WQWWC #48: WRITER’S CHOICE #7 (or Fog)”

  1. WQWWC – Fog

    My first quote. I never am sure how to add. Hope it’s not too late.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Marsha’s Writers Quotes Wednesday Writer’s Choice (Writer’s Choice or Fog–I have a little of both)Cee’s Flower of the DayDawn’s Festival of Leaves Johnbo’s CellPic SundayJude’s Life in Color: Black or Gray […]


  3. Also sharing my post for this week’s writer’s choice 🙂

    From Dusk To Dawn

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    1. I enjoyed this very much! 🙂

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  4. Marsha, the foggy photos were excellent but your flight tales were horrifying. Honestly, I was feeling anxious reading about it all. Brought back memories of when I was selected twice for random checks. I went crazy googling all possible reasons, why me!
    Glad to see , you’ve taken it all in your stride.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess when bad things happen to us or someone else, the real question is, “Why not me?” In spite of the bad things that have happened in my life, there has been nothing that I couldn’t handle with God’s help. I imagine all the horribly things that could happen and when some of them have, it hasn’t been as bad as I imagined it could have been.

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      1. And that’s an amazing way to look at challenges thrown our way, Marsha. Taking this leaf out of your book 😊

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        1. When I was young, I used to think, if only I were prettier, had more money, or had a different father, or didn’t have … people would look up to me, and my life would be so much easier or more productive. Of course, as you age, you find that they often have worse things happen in their lives than you can imagine. Better to just be grateful for the wonderful life I have and deal with the problems that I get. 🙂 Enjoy the leaf, my friend, Sheetal. God loves you and is with you.

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  5. Emerging from the fog of no internet at last, here are my foggy finds.

    WQWWC #48 – Foggy finds


    1. Beautiful photos, Liana!


  6. Soul n Spirit connected to my post instead of your challenge.
    Here is her link: https://soulnspiritblog.com/2021/11/13/remove-the-fog-to-receive-light/


  7. […] Marsha, the host of WQWWC asks us to share our views about FOG in light of […]


  8. Wow! Interesting story about TSA.
    In 2019, we decided to sign up for Global Entry as we were planning to do some air travel to Europe. Well, that never happened, but one of the bonuses of Global Entry is that it comes with TSA PreCheck.
    In October, we boarded our first flights since the start of the pandemic, and it was so nice to go through TSA so quickly. We are hoping by early 2023 to use the rapid re-entry features of Global Entry coming back from somewhere far away.


  9. Hihih!! Nothing there! 😀 That’s a fine party line to have memorised. Great to read your airport story.

    (I noticed the name MANJA among the featured bloggers and though it might be me but alas, not! Hardly since I didn’t even participate in that challenge. And it’s not another Manja either, apparently her name is Myrna.) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Did I mess up her name? Yikes!

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  10. Love your photos and quotes marsha. What an ordeal with the TSA. Uggh. I haven’t had that experience and I sure wouldn’t want to. Glad you could have a decent sense of humor about it. \

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    1. The only other choice is not to fly, and I’ve cut way back on that.


  11. It’s been forever since I played along with you and this challenge.
    Here is my entry. Hope you like it.

    WQWWC #48 Fog and Pick Me Up


  12. […] Here is my entry for Marsha’s WQWWC (Writer’s Quotes Wednesday) #48. […]


  13. fog is one of my favorite weather conditions, so I appreciated these photos. funny story about the airport check-in process. How cool to be on the terrorist list! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m surprised you didn’t read about it in the news. I’m sure it was published world-wide. 🙂


      1. well if it wasn’t worldwide news before, it is now!

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        1. LOL True that, but without the 5 Ws.


          1. who needs those? 🙂

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          2. And that’s the end of the story and I’m sticking to it. 🙂

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  14. Great foggy photos Marsha, thanks for linking to me. One of my airport disasters was in LA when the plane I was on back to London failed to take off because of ‘technical issues’. Better on the ground than in the air! But we had to queue for hours to get a new flight booked, I fretted my suitcase would be stolen as they were dumped back into the airport, and when we arrived at the hotel arranged for us they had stopped serving food! Luckily I managed to get room service. The airline gave us $25 for meals which barely covered the dinner, never mind the next day’s breakfast and lunch (the new flight wasn’t until the evening). Worse still my OH was on a different flight and he had no idea I wouldn’t be in London to drive us both home until he landed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You had a much worse situation. I have never been stranded and had to spend the night. I see horror pictures of thousands of people lined up on the floor trying to relax when their flights are canceled. I’m glad you at least had a hotel and were able to get some food. Room service is super expensive, but better than not eating! Communication is also such a problem when you are stranded. Thanks for sharing, Jude. 🙂


  15. I’ve also been selected for random checks at airports, too many times. While my daughter who was traveling with me, wearing a hijab sailed through the checkpoints.

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    1. Lesson learned. Have you changed your dress style to sail through?

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      1. Nopes, nothing helps. I dress western or eastern, it makes no difference. They look at me and think I look suspicious! 🤪🤪🤪

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        1. Well, join my club! LOL

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          1. Haha! I’m not planning to travel to USA for a while. 😀

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          2. Perhaps in a few years when Covid doesn’t poses such a big threat!

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          3. I just read an article about that. It’s probably going to be with us but will drop in our field of vision like a cold or flu has. There are some new treatments, and people can choose to wear masks where there are no mandates in years to come. Right now the benefits of being super cautious may still outweigh the risks, but it will change probably pretty soon if the numbers keep falling.

            Liked by 1 person

          4. I feel that perhaps masks are going to be our new accessories. Cases numbers are falling here too but the situation is still unpredictable!


    1. Thanks, Lady Lee. I tried leaving a comment. There was no button to press to leave a comment. The comment box was there, just not the button. Anyway I loved the post!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I’ll Vlog over Fog any day coming from S.f. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Vog has deadly gasses in it. I’ll stick to fog! 🙂


  17. […] Writer’s Quotes Wednesday Writing Challenge – Fog […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For some reason I can’t comment on your post again, Irene. I tried in Microsoft Edge. I’ll try again in Chrome. Here’s what I wrote, in case that doesn’t work either.

      I love that quote. I actually saw Corrie ten Boom. She spoke at our church in Oregon in the 1970s. What an amazing woman with an amazing story of faith.


  18. Great images Marsha but too bad you missed your connection.

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    1. Thanks, Anita. It was very frustrating at the time, but I did get to see my friend.


  19. ooooh, I have to say, I have heard some horror stories similar to this on flying in the US from local friends who have visited….one woman was singled out from her tour group and told to find an alternative flight home to Sydney as the flight was full. Being on the older side, she started to panic as she did not know how to cope with the ordeal. Someone else in the group and their partner offered to swap places with her which was so good of them. I nearly have a panic attack just thinking about it.
    BTW….thanks for featuring my post for COLD…have a great week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome. That was so sweet of the couple who switched with her. Sometimes I know that older people just don’t cope as well as they once did. I was frantic, but not to the point of panic because I was able to find a flight. One time I was reading a book, sitting in the waiting area for my flight. I was so engrossed that I didn’t realize that my flight had changed gates and I missed my plane completely. I was in Chicago, halfway home. I did panic that time. Fortunately a ticket agent felt pity for me, found me a flight. I had to run through the airport with my bag, and were loading the last of the passengers as I ran up. That attendant was super nasty at the gate and wanted to turn me away saying that I didn’t have a reservation. I argued with him and eventually walked away while everyone boarded. Then I went back. At the very last, he let me on the plane. When I squeezed between two young male passengers, they had seen it all and were so kind to me. Finally I was able to relax and get back to my book! 🙂

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      1. Yikes 😱 one time here in Australia, we were travelling to a nieces wedding interstate as a family of 4. Our first flight was delayed for some time due to no fault of ours. When we landed the crew got us off first and we found an airport buggy waiting to whisk us off across the airport for our connecting flight. People were being beeped to get out of the way and were staring at us. I felt like waving at them like the queen. They held the connecting flight for us for 20mins by this stage and I felt so embarrassed walking on but everyone was kind and jovial about it.

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        1. That’s wonderful to get that kind of treatment, isn’t it? We had a similar situation going to Hawaii just before Obama became President. We were one-half-way to Honolulu, when someone on our plane got sick. The plane turned around and went back to Los Angeles. We arrived about eight hours late and the airport had just opened after Obama left, so EVERYONE had missed their connecting flights. As we got off the plane, someone grabbed two to three of us couples and said, “Follow me.”

          We did, and he got us right on a connecting flight. We got to our hotel about ten hours after we were supposed to have arrived, but we got there! I have no idea who our angel was, and why he only took a few of us, but we were very grateful.

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          1. Someone was looking out for you!

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  20. […] Marsha’s WQWWC , the topic is […]


  21. Hahahaha! Poor you, but that was such a funny story. Isn’t it true that, while we hate going through it at the time, those unfortunate travel incidents make the best stories?

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    1. I even had to laugh at the time, it was so ridiculous! The Line Agent did NOT think it was funny! 🙂

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  22. I remember that foggy day at Hearst Castle. It was cold and damp but we still had a great day together.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I remember you loved the indoor pool. That was spectacular. We have had some great times, haven’t we?

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  23. I love your foggy photos, Marsha! But I don’t love your horrible flight experience! My gosh, you did everything right and to miss your outbound flight? The same thing happened to us in the San Diego airport on our Alaska flight to Hawaii in January 2018. Despite our EARLY arrival at 5am, the kiosks for checking in for Alaska and Southwest were closed making us all check-in at the counters. It was so crowded you couldn’t tell which airline line you were in. Just like you, we get to the counter and we’re told they were already boarding and we can’t proceed! Really? The guy literally admonished us for not being there early enough because it was a holiday weekend. We heard later that they kept calling our names at the gate…grrr! We rebooked within a few minutes but we lost a whole day in Hawaii. I later blasted Alaska with a poor review. Interesting now, Alaska is in the new terminal in San Diego we discovered last August. Thank goodness. Glad your trip worked out. I hate to fly because of this ridiculousness. Marsha the Terrorist–that’s rich! I’ll be hopping in this Sunday with a foggy tree photo, and BTW, Jude’s LIfe in Color this month is black or gray! This post qualifies, LOL!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I meant to include her, and forgot because I was so late. I should go back and include her link! 🙂 Thanks for the reminder. 🙂

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      1. I think we have all month to posy for her challenge. 👍

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        1. True that. I added her, but didn’t realized I didn’t have ANY black after telling her I had tons of it. 🙂 LOL

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