Are you having fun with Becky B’s #TreeSquares? The days of this month are flying by and we are down to the last week of trees. Becky’s only rule is that at least one photo has to be square. However, if you are posting for Sunday Stills, you can sneak a portrait or landscape photo. So today’s post will be a mixed bag of squares and rectangles, but it all Geome-tree – right?

My goal for this month was to start at home in Prescott, AZ and spiral away, highlighting trees farther and farther away from my home. There are so many trees in Maui, Hi, we are going to have to spend at least one more day there. Please forgive! 🙂

Road to Hana Part Two – Just ROUND the Bend

Thank you for choosing the topic of geometree, Terri. Nothing could be more appropriate for this bus trip. So shall we go?

Meanwhile, I was reading Cee’s blue post today, oh my gosh it’s eye-catching. I couldn’t resist adding this blurry blue picture for Jude’s Challenge of Blue Buildings as we roared by in bus at about 25 MPH through the main street of Paia. You can see trees in this photo if you think outside the box. Look for an x. That’s the only clue I’m going to give for now. The geometrees in the photo are innumerable.

We departed from the bus stop at 6:53 am. It took 59 minutes to get across the island from where we caught the bus on our side of Maui, the west, to reach the small, but crowded town of Paia. This is the nearest town to Mama’s Fish House, by the way.

The amount of geometree in this photo is also impossible to count, mostly squares, rectangles and parts of rectangles. I even see an irregular diamond and a semi-circle. We know there are full circles just out of reach of the camera.

Lots of luscious trees in this square.

We sped along at a reasonable rate of speed enjoying beautiful scenery and geometrees on both sides of the road.

As you can tell I sat on the right side of the bus, or maybe it was the wrong side. I can’t tell, or if I could would I be right? Of course, I would be, I’m Always Write.

Suddenly there appeared out of nowhere, an ocean view and an African Tulip tree.
One Lane Bridge 10 Miles per Hour

In less than an hour after we left Paia, we knew we were headed for trouble. At 8:40 our driver instructed us to look out the left window. Did I choose the wrong side? Aha, I finally spied some circles amid all these rectangles and trees.

Nobody counted, but we all knew the vehicle had 18 wheels, and it was coming our way on a curve. It seemed like it took a half-hour to get past the semi-trailer. My camera timed it at one minute.

It rushed by us like we were standing still. Oh, wait, we were standing still. How fast do you think it was traveling based on the blurriness of the picture. I’m guessing 60 MPH.

Ten minutes later, we’ve stopped again.

In this photo, we have a hexagon for our shapely Terri Schrandt Webster’s Sunday Stills post. I didn’t square this post because I didn’t want to cut off Jack’s cooler with lines and shapes of all sorts. I think this might be the picture with the biggest variety of GEOMETREE. What do you think? Gauges, lights, wastebasket, trash bin, cooler, TomTom, vents, wheels, a cross made of parallelograms, cones, the list goes on and on. Of course the first picture had reflections of shapes on shapes. Ooo, another clue.

Rest stop with plenty of geometrees – even lots of triangles and some reflected shapes, too.

By 9:15 we came to a resting area. I think we all needed to get out and stretch. I wonder if Jude would count this as a blue building? It was having some trouble staying in tact.

Church with a view

This tiny church offered lots of geometrees. It felt good to walk around for a bit. I was ready for lunch, but at 9:15 no one else was ready for that. So I took pictures instead. I wasn’t going to share this next video because the narrator sounds like an evil witch, and I personally know she wasn’t. Nonetheless, there’s some excellent narration on trees, if you want to skim through 48 seconds of video.

This concludes Road to Hana Part Two. I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I’ve been enjoying all of last week’s Sunday Stills and this week’s Photographing Public Art Challenge posts as well as a posts from #Tree Squares.

Have a great week. July is zooming by as fast as that 18 wheeler. I’m not missing one day of #TreeSquares before it’s too late!

29 responses to “Sunday Stills: Geometrees on the Road to Hana”

  1. These were great! I missed that week. I’m just now catching up on some commenting

    Liked by 1 person

  2. just as beautiful and lush as I remember it Marsha… soooo beautiful and you did capture you’re squares. 👏👏👏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again for the link, Terri! 🙂


  3. Trees, tales and geometry – what more could you ask for in a post. Oh blue skies, and you have those too 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Becky. It was fun – both the trip and writing the post. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Listen to the bugs … they’d creep me out. Beautiful photos 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t have to listen to the bugs. I’ve got noises in my ears going on without bugs. 🙂


  5. You’ve really had fun with this one Marsha! I enjoyed your ponderings about right side / left side / Always Write 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I did have fun. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it was. I haven’t used a lot of these photos either. I think I took about 200.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Gee-Im-a-tree is such a great idea! Beautiful photos as usual!


    1. Thanks, Donna! 🙂 I get one a day.


  7. Love your geometree tree pictures and I love the road to Hana! Sorry you encountered an 18 wheeler on that curvy road but at least you have a story to tell! I love the old church too! Isn’t that the stop where you could buy banana bread? I think I need to go back and find out! 😊🌴

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Take me with you, if you do, Susanne. I don’t remember a place to buy banana bread along the way. You don’t get too hungry going on curvy roads. LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes! There’s lots of fresh banana bread along the way, and curves didn’t stop me from enjoying it.😊 We were in a small car and went early and didn’t have any trouble. But I still better go back just to make sure! 😁

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You should definitely go back. They are probably not as crowded as they were because of COVID.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. teaching math through nature – wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There you go. It’s right up this fourth-grade teacher’s alley. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Great photos Marsha. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sadje. It was my first time getting together for an extended period with a blogger friend. We had such a great time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! What fun.


  10. Fab photos, Marsha! Geometree–now why didn’t I think of that, LOL! You definitely had fun with this and showed us a ton of angles and shapes! I love that church under the palms at the end!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did have fun, Terri. Guess what I did for fun today!!! LOL

      Liked by 1 person

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