Thanks to Contributors


From the bottom of my heart I want to thank those of you who contributed to this post.

Why Organize Your Photos?

Terri Webster Schrandt has a photographic memory and can remember when and where she took a picture. Most of us are not like that. I can remember a picture that would be perfect for a post but I can’t find it. I get a lot of requests from friends for pictures for projects or funerals, if I’ve been close to someone. I’m always shocked at how few pictures I can find and how long it takes me. Like Terri, I can remember the picture, but have no idea of time or where I took it.

Our Eyes Open, Bird Weekly Host
Photo by Lisa Coleman

Hugh Roberts organizes photos for his blog so that others can find them including SEO trolls. Janis creates files with broad categories, (Travel, Family and Friends, Local Fun) so she can find what she needs. Sarah was a librarian, so organization is part of her make-up. Carol and I are teachers, so we file photos to teach and share what we know.

But there are some more efficient ways to organize your mounds of photos than my simplistic file folders, but like cleaning the refrigerator, they take some time.

Introduction to Lisa Coleman

Lisa Coleman started blogging in 2019 but has been a photographer and graphic artist for twenty years and has accumulated up to 200,000 photos. We started talking about this topic several weeks ago, and decided it was worth a zoom meeting to explore the topic more. 

Our Eyes Open, Bird Weekly Host
Photo by Lisa Coleman

Lisa has a lot of storage space spread out  over 3 external drives, 2 laptops, a Mac, iPad, 6 iPhones, 10 memory sticks and 9 camera cards. She just purchased a 5 TB hard drive for storage. Like most of us, she organizes them by subject and date.

“I do a little every week. The main goal is to have ALL my photos organized on the new hard drive while keeping all the other cards and drives as an additional backup. Once you get organized, it wouldn’t hurt to put all this data on the cloud somewhere as a different backup. I have a 1 TB external drive that is my working drive like a server for my Etsy Shop and Blog photos.”

Lisa Coleman

When Lisa started blogging, she was interested in birds.

Our Eyes Open, Bird Weekly Host
Photo by Lisa Coleman

“There used to be a Bird of the Day Challenge, but it disappeared, so I started the Bird Weekly Photo Challenge.”

Lisa Coleman

If you forget, her challenge is listed on Cee’s For the Love of Challenges page. I want to explore her Challenge more in another interview. She credits Cee Neuner and Becky of Winchester for being so helpful to her as she got started.

Culling photos or more storage?

Several of you talked about culling photos. 

Hugh said, “delete those photos you know you’ll never use.”

Jason said, “Hugh, decluttering photos is vastly underrated! It helps with productivity, creativity, and staying organized.”

I adore Hugh, but I panicked. How do I know now which photos I’ll never use?  I am a hoarder and my being rebels when I have to throw something away, Tina Schell from the Lens Artists challenges us to repurpose our photos and turn forgotten to favorite. It’s amazing what you can do with ugly photos.

I asked Lisa how she decides what to delete. 

I delete the blurry ones. You can never use them. I take a lot of bursts with a variety of exposures. I pick three or four of the best of those and delete the rest. I also make copies of photos and keep them in different folders. The most important things is that you don’t delete the originals.”

Lisa Coleman

In spite of myself I deleted so many pictures that Microsoft asked me if I had lost my mind. I pulled some of them back out and put them in a separate folder to make sure my mind was still in tact.

So instead of culling, Lisa actually adds photos. Other photographers were more interested in how and where to store and label photos for easier retrieval. Storage is relatively inexpensive. Terri gets Dropbox for $120 per year. Apple costs me $2.99 a month, One Drive comes with Microsoft, Google Photos is free if you have a gmail account. I have several for different purposes. Hard drives range in price depending on their storage capacity.

Erica/Erika asked, “Are two copies on separate hard drives placed in a home safe a good way to preserve photos?” Lisa nodded affirmatively

If you have taken pictures for years and have them stored in different places, the next question is how to label and file the photos.

Tagging or Folders?

The thinking behind what to name files differs from person to person and what they need.

Carol says, “As I download photos, I put them into named folders within folders for each year and place we visit. ”

Susan G says, “At the start of each year I set up a new catalog. Folders and sub folders in the catalog are named by subject. For example, I have a folder called “Nature Photos” and a sub-folder inside of it called “Flowers”. I also tag the photos within each folder so a flower might be tagged “red rose”. When I export my folders out of LR to an external hard drive I generally export them to “same folder as original folder” so the stay organized as set up in LR.”

Erica says, “ I know the approximate date/year/event and go from there. I often immediately categorize into A/B/C depending on how much I like a photo. A super basic A, B, C, helps me when I go back to the photos for more sorting.”

Anne says, “I follow the rules of directories and subdirectories, year, theme, place. Have a Best category within some categories. Use iCloud on PC and phone and Camera. Major Agro is a pictures app on PC. It doesn’t sync pictures. I edit/delete on the phone.”

Lisa and I have two or more sets of files of the same photos. I process for WordPress using Photoshop Elements 15, then store them in an Always Write folder under the name of the challenge. Unlike Lightroom, I can’t organize by tags in Photoshop Elements, but I can make the changes I want to make to the copy like cropping, adding a border, changing the brightness, adding a filter or changing the look completely. Then it is an easy step to process multiple files quickly and reduce the file size for the web, name the files, add my signature, and put them into a folder. 

  • Photoshop Elements15 Instructions
  • processing multiple photos; rose

Until we talked about this all of my larger sized files, which I use to make puzzles or other gifts, are labeled IMG 9602 or something as difficult to find in my Camera Roll by month and year. Except the millions that I took out to make a mega file that I could sort easier. It turned out that I couldn’t sort them at all.

All of us used files, but only Hugh was big on adding tags. My question was how to do that without spending any more money. Lisa was going to try Susan’s idea and use LightRoom because she already paid for all the programs.

Lisa and I talked through all your comments and then spent a good part of an hour experimenting with the File Folders that come free with our computer.

How to Organize Photos using Microsoft Files

Together we opened a file. Lisa took me directly to “View+ in the menu. I always choose “Extra-large Icons” because my vision is blurry, and like Hugh, I’m a bit dyslectic. She took me instead to “Details.”

Using folders and tags
Detail show up in the View tab of the file folder

“You can look at the size of your photos here so you don’t delete your original picture when you are cleaning and organizing. Once you have the pictures sorted by detail, you can change back to “Extra-large Icons.” They will be in the same order as you sorted them.

After our conversation, I tried to figure out how to change a tag faster than one at tag at a time. I also discovered that you could rename your files with just a right click on the any of the selected photos to bring up “Rename” on the main menu. Once you renamed and pressed enter, all the selected photos emerged with the new file name and a number.

  • Using Folders & Tags
  • Using Folders & Tags
  • Using Folders & Tabs

That was so cool, I tried it with tags. It was trickier, but remembering what Lisa said about “Details,” I selected a group of photos, right clicked to bring up the main menu then clicked on “Properties” which is at the bottom of my menu. A screen appears with a menu across the top. Click “Details” on the menu at the top of the box, and select tabs. Click and a box appears to fill in your tabs.

This is wonderful, but like Susan said about Light Room, “I tag my photos right in LR. Unfortunately the tags don’t follow when you export, so I have to tag again on my drive.”

This is not the only time you have to label your photo files. When you export photos to Photoshop Elements 15 (other Photoshop products are different) to be multi-processed, the title disappears but the tag stays. When you export them again to WordPress, the tag is gone again. We will talk more about adding the alt text and all the details in WordPress in another post.


Lisa and I talked about many photo-related topics during our Zoom conversation. We are going to do it again. It was so much fun. I didn’t get to ask her much about her Challenge. So that will be another post as well.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope it helps you as much as it helped me. My photos have undergone some radical changes. It’s nice to get on the phone and talk to a real person when you have an issue.

What’s your issue with photography or blogging? There are tons of amazing bloggers out here. I love it when we put our heads together.

Would you be interested in having a copy of all the comments, questions in a Word Document? If so, I’ll polish it up over the next couple of weeks and have it available by download.

96 responses to “Brilliant Bloggers Share How to Organize Those Bulging Photos Folders”

  1. While I feel that I have a pretty good handle on organizing my photos (folders, sub-folders, sub-sub-folders), it is definitely a work in progress. I had no idea that you could use the Microsoft file organizer that way so I’ll have to look into it more… thanks for the tips!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m always looking for a bargain and it’s one less thing to learn from scratch. I’ve learned more about it from Lisa than I’ve known since I started blogging – because we explored it together, then I played with it. Now I’ve got to learn more about WordPress. I’m not finding many of my pictures any more when I search for them. Any ideas?


  2. thanks for the useful tidbits; I guess such organization is critical for people that deal with photos.

    and what a nice way to collaborate with a fellow blogger. I enjoy Lisa’s posts…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jim. Let me know if you want to collaborate. It inspired both of us and I think the others involved as well. 🙂

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      1. thanks for the offer, Marsha, but I wouldn’t want to bring down the quality of your blog!

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        1. LOL like that would happen!

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          1. with all my blather, the odds would be quite high 🙂

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          2. And I don’t blather???

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          3. not at all – you’re a real writer!


  3. This is really helpful, although I’m honest enough with myself to know I’ll probably never spend the time it would need to get totally organised and tagged! But it has inspired me to devote a bit of time each day to tidying up the system I already have, renaming some folders and creating sub-folders where needed.

    I mentioned it before but I do find Fast Stone software excellent for speedy renaming of all files in a folder. You can sort them into a preferred order and then rename all with a unique number along with other details such as place and date taken 🙂

    I’m looking forward to your follow-up on adding the alt text and all the details in WordPress. I’m still getting to grips with that side of blogging. Do other people get frustrated with the media library’s refusal at times to upload even relatively small files, for instance?!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get super frustrated with how they sort files. I’ve never experienced them not uploading files. Hmmm!

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        1. I don’t think so. I’m struggling with something else with WP. I can’t search and find something that I know good and well is in there. I hate adding another of the same picture, but when I can’t find it, I have to. 🙂

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    2. Sarah, do you have enough storage? Do you get any messages?

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      1. Sorry, only just saw this! I think I have enough storage at present, and besides I’ve always found uploading a bit hit and miss. I may have to contact my hosting service.

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        1. Yes, my hosting service was one reason that I went back to The non-free versions work better for me than either of the hosting services I tried.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I’ll let you know how I get on 🙂

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          2. Who is your hosting service?

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          3. Bluehost. They were pretty responsive when I had an issue early on

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          4. That’s good. Let me know how it goes. I had them for a while, but my site was very slow. I switched to SiteGround and it was much faster, but it was still more money and hassle, so I went back to Premium.

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          5. I chatted with them this morning and they’ve upped my storage and upload limits which should help. I just tried a couple of photos and it seemed faster and without the error message so fingers crossed 🤞

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          6. Yay! If that doesn’t work, there are other options, though.

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  4. I’m so glad that iCloud dates all my photos as I take them. It also adds a location to them, so I can usually easily find what I’m looking for (providing I roughly know the dates and location). I have a good memory, so it’s not usually a problem.
    I’m still culling photos I know I’ll never use again. Every so often, I also use the Remo Duplicated photo app to get rid of duplicates and anything near a duplicate. It helps save me heaps of space.
    This is a great roundup, Marsha. You’ve become Queen of the Roundups.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Donna is the queen of roundups, but I’m getting a lot of experience. I need your help on the WordPress organizing post. Sarah just asked why it won’t upload even some of her small files. Could it be a space issue?


      1. Are you referring to uploading to the WordPress media library?


        1. Yes. “Do other people get frustrated with the media library’s refusal at times to upload even relatively small files, for instance?!!” I just asked about data storage, but it doesn’t seem that it happens consistently.

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          1. It can happen for several reasons, but the most common is that there isn’t enough storage space left in the media library (so you need to either buy more or delete images to free up space), or the file name contains special characters ($, *, &, # …) or accent letters (ñ, á, é …). Rename the image file to remove these characters and then try again.
            I’ve had problems when I try loading a file type that WordPress does not accept. That’s easily overcome by changing the file name to one they do accept, though.

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          2. That’s fabulous Hugh. I wouldn’t have thought of those other things. My file system stops me from adding those symbols into the name and I always optimize my photos.

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  5. There are such wonderful tips in this post, Marsha. Thank you so much for sharing them. Now I simply need to make the leap and implement (at least some of) them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what I’m doing now, Donna. I’m inspired by everyone. 🙂


  6. I think the zoom meeting and screen shots made things clearer for everyone. I use the Microsoft files system. Donna mentioned today that she did a search by word on her Mac I and got a display of images from her word search. So tagging not needed. She will probably give you more details.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mac is so different and much easier. I remember I had a few foul ups but basically much of it was done for you .


  7. Well, you give me too much credit for my so-called photographic memory, Marsha. I actually do save my edited and watermarked photos in separate files in Dropbox. Like many have commented, I tend to use my newer ones first as most of them are taken with “good” cameras. I do need to delete a few eventually! A post chock-full of great info, thanks for sharing what everyone does.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Terri, but I think you do have a fabulous memory. How do you label your editied photos?

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      1. Dropbox saves them by date with the year first, automatically, so I use the year and month, then tag it. I have separate folders starting with Ready Images then save them in subfolders from there.


        1. Thanks. Makes sense. 🙂

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  8. I am in the process of culling from 35,000 images in my Mac Photo collection. From 2012 I have used digital photography. Before that I have almost 70 years of film negatives and slides. Fortunately they are all labelled and stored in order (with prints). I’m not about to trying to cull them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Derrick! That’s amazing! I am doing what you are doing with about the same number of photos. It’s been eye opening how many I can actually toss. I think I’ve thrown about a dozen blurry ones, but the rest have just been record and duplicate shots and a few accidents (like pictures of the sidewalk and my knees. I’m enjoying the process of seeing some photos I haven’t seen for a long time. What type photos do like taking the most?

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      1. I mostly like making portraits of family and friends in unposed situations

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        1. My dad used to love to do that when I was young. I remember when I was about 5 and had a new bathing suit I was pretending to dive, and he took a picture from behind. In those days, they had friends over and showed family slides on the wall – the whole wall! I was not too young to be mortified. 🙂

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          1. I used to project my slides onto a wall 🙂

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          2. It shows every tiny detail. My parent’s friends took turns having each other to their homes, showing slides then playing cards into the middle of the night. 🙂

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  9. I read this with a sinking heart because I’m rubbish at organising and properly storing my photos. It would be a major undertaking, and I do mean major, to turn my photos into something organised, and so I put it off longer and longer. I tend to use new photos on the blog rather than backtrack looking for something. I need a kick up the butt 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Jo, I’m not into kicking up the butt, however, this project has helped me so much to at least get my computer files organized. I don’t have nearly as many as Lisa, but I do have them all spread out. So, lots of work. Sorry about that! 🙂

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    2. You share stunning photos on your blog, Jo! I sometimes wonder about going back in time, when each day offers many new photo opportunities. Yet, it is still a happy place getting lost in the memories. 🙂 No right or wrong 🙂

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      1. That is so true Erica. I’ve been going back in time with my blog, spending wonderful time in Australia in 2016.

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      2. Thanks, Erica! I did recently revisit Barcelona, and I’m thinking of doing a little backtracking. As you say- happy memories! I get lost in there and forget to come out 🙂 🙂 How’s the virtual challenge going?

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        1. Funny you should ask, Jo….I was heading over to the Conqueror App to check my stats this morning. Last I looked over 440km in 50+ days, with another 900 km still to go. lol. It is strangely motivating me to do the extra km. which means an extra evening walk. Now I can have my cake and eat it too……I told you, how visions of desserts appear when I see your name, Jo 🙂❤️

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          1. No cake today. Just a few digestive biscuits. Fallen on hard times 🤣. We’ve just come back from a 2 and a half hour walk so probably about 10km and that’s our normal daily effort 😙💕

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          2. You are about twice of what we do, and I’m exhausted at the end. Too many digestive biscuits for me, I guess. We are walking at a high elevation, 5300 feet, one mile up but after three months my body should be adjusted to that! 🙂


          3. That must make a difference, I would think, Marsha. I was used to walking with a group that regularly did 12km or more so it’s not hard to maintain our current schedule. It’s just nice to be out 🙂 🙂

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          4. Yes, I lost .2 pounds this morning and I had hot chocolate last night or I might have lost .3 pounds. It is lovely to be out. I figure in a year or two after keeping this up I might lose another 3 or 4 pounds. 🙂

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          5. LOL, and Jo is so slim. Wow, Erica, that’s 273 miles or 5.46 miles a day or about 13,000 steps a day. On a good day, I’m doing 10,000 steps. Our goal was 7,000 a day, but we are wimps on cold, windy, snowy days. 🙂 Still no way to eat desserts, but dark chocolate candy doesn’t count does it?

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    3. How about a gentle nudge? The longer you wait, the harder it is. I’m an expert on that type of procrastination. It can be overwhelming but one you take the first step and baby steps after that, it gets easier. Before you know it, you have more organized than you thought possible. I still use old archive photos from my “not as good” cameras way back in the day. Plus I was mediocre at taking photos. Doesn’t stop me from using them and it takes me down memory lane, even for just a moment in time. 🙂

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      1. Thanks for the encouragement, Lisa 🤗💕

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        1. After the initial thought of falling down a dark hole, once I got started, I felt a ray of sunshine and a huge weight off my shoulders. It is a constant work in progress, but now I have to make myself take time to move files off my camera card to the appropriate folders. It is kinda easy right now because all that is getting photographed it nature…mostly birds. Got get em’! 🙂

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          1. I take a few hours several nights a week. I feel like I’m never going to finish. But what I’ve done is making a difference. What I found is that there were a lot of photos especially night photos that were just plain worthless. I deleted them!

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          2. That is so great! Once you do get caught up, you have now started a new regime and will work on your current stuff quicker. I’m working backwards and forwards. Mine will eventually meet in the middle. 🙂

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          3. Sounds like me. What a mess though!

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      2. I’m finding so many mediocre pictures, Lisa. Very sad! Mostly out of focus. For a long time I didn’t realize that my camera has auto focus. This is helpful for me because I have an astigmatism. I don’t see in focus. So when I focus for my eyes, it’s way off. 🙂

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        1. I use autofocus most of the time because I too have astigmatism. If I’m shooting still life close up, I can focus in on it manually. I’d probably be an even better photographer if I could see! LOL! 🙂

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  10. Reblogged this on Our Eyes Open and commented:
    Do you need help with file organization? Marsha with Always Write has gathered information from several blogger’s point of view and put it together to help others organize their photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lisa. We can do part 2 in a couple of weeks.

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        1. I’ll email you soon. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sounds like a winner to me! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  11. Excellent review of our conversation, Marsha! Thank you for the opportunity to help with this project. I had a lot of fun brainstorming with you. I so miss the human element since the pandemic. I hope this helps a lot of people get organized in a manner that helps them. I want to say a special thank you to Susan because her technique pushed me to add more subfolders to my existing folders. I now have a Nature folder with subfolders to include Flowers, Birds, Moon, Reflections, Insects, ect. I have also added a new folder called “Family”. Subfolders include Kids, Grandkids, etc. Inside those subfolders and additional subfolders with each kid or grandchild’s name. I’m so excited and appreciative for the motivation to take my organizing to the next level! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is awesome because I have created so many more folders. I am especially thankful to Hugh, too because he kept pushing to delete, delete, delete. I have so many photos that are truly awful and unnecessary. I’ve been working on my files and file folders on my computer first. Then I’ll branch out and get my external hard drives working again. 🙂

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      1. I have deleted a few but I have so many that I never know might work for something. For instance, one of my themes for Bird Weekly was “Butts in the Air”. So many bloggers say that they would just delete those if they got them because they missed the shot. Um…nope! They had a purpose too. LOL! I am filter better now too as time permits. 🙂

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        1. I did have a lot of things I don’t need to store, like all my Canva stuff. It’s stored on Canva and in by WP media files. I’ll probably never use them again. So bye-bye.

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          1. I went on a deleting spree today. That feeling won’t last so I took advantage of while I was in the mood. 🙂

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          2. LOL! Me too! Lots of Canva pics went to photo heaven since they are archived in my Canva site as well as my WordPress site. I’m having trouble accessing my pictures in WP. Any ideas? I search and very little comes up.

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          3. Are you close to using up your space? Not sure what plan you are on. I had problems last week, but it is working again. If you problem persist, I’d get in touch with a Happy Engineer. Mine come up because I name the files whatever they are and it goes with it. So when I search, any and all come up with that name if with slight differences.

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          4. I have tons of space, but I was asking for Sarah who is having problems loading. My problem is pulling the back up when I search for them. I know something is saved in there, and I can’t find it. When are you free this week? Shoot me an email. 🙂

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          5. I guess she doesn’t have as her server.

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          6. It is all cloud, but with, you can’t delete or it will screw up old posts. WP has done a fine job with that on their own when they update. I have broken links all over the place in older post. I don’t need to contribute to that. LOL! 🙂


          7. That WP owns the pictures is, in itself, good information, Lisa. When are you free to chat?

            Liked by 1 person

          8. I sent you an email this morning! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          9. Great. I’ll check soon.

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          10. WP don’t own the pictures. We own our pictures. They just have to be in their media library to continue to work on your posts. 🙂


          11. So don’t delete photos, right?

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          12. Per I discussion yesterday, my advice is to not delete any photos out of your library unless you are certain you don’t have it attached to a post. 🙂

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  12. I’ll have to try and do something with my photos album. I haven’t anywhere near the number Lisa has but during a previous upgrade something went wrong with the photos app, so many photos are out of sequence with wrong dates. It’s a nightmare!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hang in there Cathy! I had a corrupted card from 2007. My Nikon had organized it into 4 different sub-folders. Just 2 days ago did I plug it in and got 3 of those good folders transferred to my new drive. Only one has corrupted files. I’m close to figuring out the bad file so I can delete it and get the rest of my photos backed up. I only have a few minutes before the whole card crashes. I’ve avoided it for several years, but Marsha somehow motivated me to stay with it. I was going to take it to a computer guy, but I just saved myself some money by figuring it out myself. 🙂

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      1. Yay, Lisa! What a great story. Minutes from catastrophe. 🙂

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        1. Still working on it. I have about 300 photos to still try to get moved. Not feeling adventurous enough to try again. I’ll wait for that inspiration. LOL!

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          1. You’ll make it. I have total faith in you. 🙂


    2. That does seem like a nightmare, Cathy. I had different dates on many of my files because my computer dated them from the last time I worked with the file. Fortunately I had a few that I hadn’t touched, and the date was correct on those photos. So I renamed them all with that date.

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  13. Thank you for sharing a very helpful post, Marsha! I am always learning new gems I can apply to my photography, playing with new photo apps and Youtube tutorials. I appreciate Lisa Coleman sharing her wealth of information! Lisa mentioned a lot of storage space spread out, including the camera cards. A photographer friend working for the news places some of his camera cards in a safety deposit box at the bank.

    Regarding your last question, Marsha, I would love a copy of the comments and questions. I am bookmarking this post and I can refer back here, too. I see how this will be an ongoing topic. I greatly appreciate all of your effort gathering and curating information, Marsha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Erica. I’ll probably wait until we finish the second post in a couple of weeks. Then I will pull it together with all the comments like I do with Story Chat. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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